- PEA is an open source project to analyze malware which spreads via e-mail. PEA has three different modules, namely parsing, VirusTotal, blacklist modules.
Parser Module
EMLParser Usage
- python EMLParser.py FileName.eml
- The aim of parsing module in our project PEA is to separate all information in the email contents.
IP-Link Parser
The script written by Johnny Wachter is used. We have changed the regex in IPAddresses.py which is in the class files. https://github.com/JohnnyWachter/intel (The Repo is no longer found on his repo. We will add same repo with our changes, soon.)
The codes are integrated into our project.
VirusTotal Module
- Development of this module is over. It will be added soon.
Blacklist Module
- It will check whether ip addresses or domain names in blacklist or not.
- Blacklists we use are RBL, SBL and so on.
- python blacklist.py
- The system will ask you whether you want to scan an ip address or a domain name.
- If you want to check an ip address, you have to write “i” for scanning.
- Then, system will ask you to enter an ip address
- If you want to check a domain name, you have to write “d” for scanning.
- Then, system will ask you to enter a domain name.
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- The user interface is made using Qt4.
- Soon, GUI codes and User Guide will be added.